学生 and scout plans career in technology

Ryan Hoexter already achieved the highest Boy Scouts of America rank, but his journey is not over.

male student sitting on a staircasebbin信誉网站 student Ryan Hoexter, who became an 老鹰童子军 in August 2019, continues to be involved with BSA by giving back as a volunteer.

“I love being a leader and someone the scouts can look to for advice in their lives and for help,他说.

Hoexter volunteers as an assistant leader for Troop 425 and is training to become an assistant scoutmaster for the troop.

The assistant scoutmaster role includes additional responsibilities, such as organizing trips and merit badge clinics.

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Before graduating from Sherrard High School in 2019, Hoexter got started at bbin信誉网站 by taking 双重信用 and online classes his junior year.

Hoexter decided to continue his BHC education after graduating because of small class sizes, the affordable price and to stay close to family and friends. He doesn’t regret his decision.

“It is easy to make friends and the teachers really do seem to care about their students,霍克斯特说. “It is very easy to get help from teachers.”

male student sitting at desk writing in a notebookHis favorite BHC instructors are history/political science professor James Larrabee and anthropology/archaeology assistant professor Dr. 蕾切尔·霍纳·布兰克特.

“Professor Larrabee was a great storyteller and made his history classes very interesting,霍克斯特说. “Dr. Horner Brackett loves anthropology so much that it starts to rub off on her students.”

Hoexter is earning his Associate in Science degree. 毕业后, he will transfer to a four-year university to pursue a degree in electronic engineering.

He has always loved technology, but realized he wanted to make technology his career while working at Best Buy.

“I realized that technology can solve so many people’s problems, from as simple as giving directions while driving to monitoring one’s pulse and sleeping habits,霍克斯特说.

After college, his goal is to open his own company and create problem-solving electronic devices.


Hoexter’s scouting involvement started young – his older brothers were Cub Scouts so he went along for meetings, 还有他的爸爸, 戴夫Hoexter, is the scoutmaster for Troop 425.

Soon, he was a Cub Scout, too. Childhood memories include attending meetings, camping trips and other scouting adventures.

a group of scouts around a campfire on the shore of a lakeThe troop meets at Preemption United Methodist Church, which is the place Hoexter selected for his 老鹰童子军 project.

“For my project, I decided to give back to the church,他说. “我进行了技术改造.”

He created a website for the church, worked on the church’s 脸谱网 page, and made a manual about the church’s technology and equipment to guide people unfamiliar with it.

Hoexter’s troop had an unusually large amount of scouts earn 老鹰童子军 rank in 2019 for its size – six. The Boy Scouts of America describes the 老鹰童子军 award as a performance-based achievement. It requires fulfilling requirements in leadership, service and outdoor skills.

“I wanted to become an 老鹰童子军 because I wanted to be a part of something larger than myself,他说. “Only about 6 percent of scouts earn this high honor.”

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